Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Headaches and Pizza

I have had the worst headaches this weekend - to the point all I can do is sleep. To look at the computer screen is painful- so I have not had much time here to write. I did find a funny photo and a great recipe to share.

I bought him a funny hat, found an apron in our condo at the beach and told him he must wear it to cook, and he is wearing a coolest dad t-shirt- it's cool he let's me play around with my humor.

If you have a grill- go right now and get all the ingredients to make this AMAZING pizza. I love pizza- and this is truly one of the best I have ever had. Of course, I love to grill- almost anything, so the idea of grilled pizza dough sent me dreamily to the store. By grilling, the dough forms a thin crispy layer over a soft, cheesy middle. I left the last bit of instructions off because mine was done enough by just cooking on the grill. I also made one big pie instead of four smaller ones and varied the vegetables from the ones listed:). The best part, though, was the basil/olive oil dipping sauce- a burst of fresh basil livens the flavors of the grilled meat and veggies. I also used chicken sausage instead of pork, both work wonderfully. Ingenuity meets pizza= me standing up eating this hot off the grill because it's so goood.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Be love

(A friend, Stack, makes these funky patches I love to attach to my clothes.)

1.) We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2.) Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3.) People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4.) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

~Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and they should read your blog.

~8 random things about me:

~I choreograph ballets in my head while listening to classical music on my way to work and jazz routines while listening to hip hop when i work out.

~I love jokes, especially clever ones.

~When I eat pita chips, I pick the chips one at a time that look most appealing to crunch on.

~I love to swim, maybe it's the Pisces in me.

~I am modest

~I love musicals and plays but when I see them at the theatre I feel I can barely keep my eyes open because i get so tired- so weird.

~I was a butterfly in the '96 opening ceremony of the Olympics.

~I'm fascinated by the stars

I am tagging Marlyn

Monday, July 9, 2007

Swing in Love

Swing with me my little man
and let our toes graze against the painted blue sky

We'll close our eyes and allow our heads to fall back
against wind's soft arms
Falling into rhythm- back and forth, back and forth

We are both holding on strong to the chains, like our love
The difference~ I am woefully aware of time and how fleeting it may be
And you, my sweet, right now, are in love with me

We connect, you and I
I am holding fiercely to this time
Where I am your morning delight
And you, angel, are forever mine.

(swinging with C- my favorite moment this weekend)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Water Babies

My horoscope today reads:

The energy of the day is quite erratic, and you are apt to find yourself jumping all over the place, dear Pisces. Don't worry about trying to firm up any plans at this time. You may feel like you are trying to grab hold of a slippery fish with butter on your hands. If this is the case, don't worry about it. Let the fish swim away for now and relax. You can always catch another one later on if you need to.

~Funny because my legs have been restless all day-weird. Maybe if I didn't have butter on my hands while grabbing after fish- it would help. I like reading my horoscope daily, but the butter comment is just weird but so funny too. I wish I was going to a party with water balloons and beer.
When my sisters and I were young we would fill balloons up with water and wrap two up inside blankets and play "water babies" as we called it. It really was the best game ever. Sometimes we'd be carrying them and they'd pop and we'd be drenched and we would just laugh, or cry. I assume because it was so spontaneous and shocking. So game over-we'd just move on to something else to play. I wish I could just roll with it like that more.
I do have to say I have eased up on myself quite a bit, which means more laughing spells (i laugh for long periods of time), less chores, more time taking care of plants- oh and watching C do somersaults. I tried to do one the other day and I almost broke my neck. C was not amused. I am hoping to channel this "erratic" day into a weekend of artful ideas. I would like to start posting my favorite thing from the weekend on Mondays. I sometimes find my weekend rushes by and I don't sit with the moments long enough to feel joyful in them. I want to write about that joy and love and life so in the future I will know and remember how fun life really is.
So~this is me~restless.