Friday, February 16, 2007

Sometime's it's the little gestures that mean the most. Sometimes it's the super nice customer service person that says "thank you for asking" instead of just "fine" after you've asked how they are. It's the times when you share a laugh with a perfect stranger when you've done something silly and they laugh at the humor of the situation. Sometime's it's your deep, genuine laugh, or the lasting -I can't wipe this smile off my face for a few minutes smile- after you've made someone else laugh whole-heartedly. It's the holding of the door, it's the you have really pretty skin ( a woman with beautiful skin, i had to remind her), it's "are you having a bad day" "you look sad" - and realizing the bag boy at the grocery can physically see your concern and cause you to shake your head and realize you are not the only one who feels others (and it's the young who are so honest and that is refreshing). It's as minimal as being complimented on your earrings and the fact you chose to wear them because not only do you love them, but others go out of their way to tell you they like them as well. And that small gesture feels great...

(I've been asked if these earrings are from Venice ( i wish) and if they are Murano Glass from Italy or are they dreamcatchers. I have been told because they are so great that instead of telling where i really got them that I should tell an amazing story about traveling through Europe and buying them from the cutest street vendor.)

And they are great-especially because of all the compliments. I blush, when I shouldn't, because I bought them for 6 bucks. But I love to wear them and I get so many compliments- small gestures that make my love feel so big.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

weirdest thing ever. i am sitting here reading this, thinking it's boho's blog. and going, HEY, Cayden has those!!!
i am laughing so hard i might pee.
your writing is beautiful.