Saturday, March 3, 2007


Lately my thoughts have been skipping around in my head and I find it hard to grasp on to any one of them and concentrate. I have become really aware of all the many paths I wish to travel in this life of mine but it's the "jumping into" that has me locked in my own mind. All the how's and what if's putting me at a standstill. So, in the midst of the flurry of thoughts I am making time to sit in quiet and realize all I am capable of. I want to break away from my fear and self-doubt and instead discover and grow all the many aspects of myself. I know only I hold myself back and only I can push myself forward. Right now my mind might be racing, but in the afterglow of each thought I hope to gain more confidence in pursuing myself.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

the crafty craft show will help you discover your flair for fibers.
and baskets.