Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I've been feeling sentimental lately and I can't really figure out why. I have noticed myself picking out my old music to listen to and giving my time over to silent reflection, but for what is not apparent to me yet. I feel my inner self working feverishly and holding the feelings of my words trapped inside.
A few months ago my husband and I went to a wedding where the bride and groom had met on a blind date set up by us. The bride to be worked with me and the groom with my husband. Shortly after they began dating they each quit as if the only reason they had been brought to these particular jobs was to meet one another. I just love this story.
The next weekend we went to another wedding and the priest was Irish. Before the end of the ceremony he said these words from an Irish blessing. For some reason these words have been filling me up and leaving me with nostalgia.
Irish Blessing~
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you
May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune, Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
From this day forward.


Stacy said...

Wonderful sentimental sentiments. I have been listening to a lot of music I grew up with too lately... xoxo

Amanda said...

did you bring out eddie, tracy chapman or pearl jam yet??
we have our whole car ride for old music memories.
i love this post.