Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just one kiss

Today I walked over to you and leaned down to give you a hug as you played on the floor. I turned to stand up and you pulled my arm, lifted your sweet face and gave me a kiss-all on your own-the first one without asking or smothering you with my own kisses. I drew in my breath, smiled at you, thanked you for your sweetness, and you went back to playing. My thousands of kisses to you will always equal your one given to me, I hope you know this forever.


Anonymous said...

You are the sweetest Mom and your Sweet Little Man is oh so lucky. I hope you print these out so that he can read them one day . . . I know he wont appreciate them as much as a daughter would (:-/, but one day, when he's at that point, these writings about him will be the most precious gift . . . and he will know just how lucky he was to have fallen from the sky into your arms.



Amanda said...

After having been your friend for so many years, and known you in the role of a sister, a daughter, my best friend i never could have imagined how inspiring it would be to see you in the role of a mother. you are truly amazing and cole is so adorable.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.