Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finding My Groove Again

Silly pic of me after my dance class (bad lighting)

I took a hip hop/Latin dance class at the gym last week. I realized how much I miss that part of my life. Up until the time I graduated from high school I spent my evenings and weekends at the dance studio. I miss the warm up, finding concentration and balance. The music, the rhythm, the sweat, the pushing of my body to keep moving, keep working, feeling the vibration off the group. I miss falling into repetition of movements until the mind and body connect and the soul moves freely, in sync. I miss especially the peacefulness of cooling down, taking deep breaths, sometimes on the verge of tears, realizing the release of emotion from my mind and the way my body felt so alive. I think I will continue to take this class and maybe even find a dance workshop to participate in one weekend. I wish I had never stopped taking classes, I definitely loved the way this class made me feel afterwards~a deep connection I hope to maintain.

C's finding the beat


Anonymous said...

and you were lovely to dance beside, my friend--

here's hoping you find a way back into dancing (I've taken up bikram yoga for good)...

happy Thanksgiving to your family--

Susannah Conway said...

good for you! it's so important to move our bodies and stay connected with them, isn't it.. thanks for reaching out on my blog - it's good to find you :-)

kat said...

it was fun taking that class with you- even if you did look way better than me doing it! you really did move with a natural grace that i am so envious of. i am glad you are pursuing that part of you- i hope i get to pursue it with you.
im so glad i get to call you a friend!
much love, groovy girl.

Amanda said...

so happy!
it's inspiring to read about, and to think back to all the dancing days!!!
love you