Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Deepest Inner Truth

My mom gave me a candle surrounded by crystals and I wanted to find out the crystals I was so thoughtfully given. I found these words very powerful.

"The clear selenites, like all clear crystals -- quartz, calcite, fluorite, and danburite -- have the quality of activating the seventh (crown) chakra.
The seventh chakra is our direct connection to spirit. When it is balanced we understand our relationship with the universe. We feel our connection with other humans and other forms of life.
Clear selenite's particular contribution towards furthering this connection is its ability to allow us to consciously understand our own deepest inner truth, that part of ourselves which is not body, not emotions or thoughts, but pure spirit. In this sense, it helps us to be in touch with our purpose for being in physical existence."

I feel a soulful connection to crystals. I have never really used them for healing. I have often been in awe of them, holding them in my fingers, softly turning them in the air to catch sunlight, thinking they hold magic and mystery inside.

Although I have never truly learned the power in elements, I feel great strength when I focus on them, even if it is a means to feel centered. As if the motion of holding the crystal in my palm connects its simplicity to my mind allowing me to focus calmly and rest my thoughts and questions against the dense weight of the stone.

As I inspect closer I see that the crystal may be simple in form but the inside is more complex. Small shards and fragments uniquely displaced during formation. As the crystal gathers light, it's through the irregularities that the light is diffused so beautifully~similar to the spirit I believe. I ponder over its physical existence in comparison to the purpose of my own~ or in "consciously understanding my own deepest inner truth".

Inspirited to gather my many fragments and irregularities, be centered with them and diffuse my inner light with clarity, calm and awareness. To live a life seeking my own deepest inner truths so I may connect to all of life with an honest and open heart.


Anonymous said...

I have always felt the same way about crystals as you. I think Mom reminds us of crystals and so that is why they are so dear and magical to us. I heart you . . .



Amanda said...

i love this..i think you are truly embracing all the things that you love and feel a connection to.

now i think i will steal the crystals and you and jason and cole. i miss you.