Friday, June 22, 2007

Enjoy the journey

If you don't know where you are going, you can never get lost
~Herb Cohen~

I found this quote and although simple it speaks volumes to me. I tend to worry about what I am doing career wise and that maybe I should have already accomplished more and taken more risks. From this worry I put myself on hold, afraid to budge from my safety net. I tell myself I should know what I want to do by now and I should be well on my way. I think to myself- I should be more, have more to give and experience deeper. I worry high hopes were set and I somehow failed certain expectations. Why worry? What good does it bring?

Well....What if I don't know where I am going?

Sure I have big ideas about how I would like to see my life unfold. Many times I can even imagine what it must feel like to feel more accomplished than I am now. I see myself opening a restaurant, researching developmental psychology, writing a book on learning disabilities, creating art, and raising a family. I often feel lost about how to make these dreams of mine happen. So, instead of trying to navigate each detail over where I think I should end up maybe I will allow my path to unfold as I walk it and not worry so much about where I am going, rather enjoying the journey there.

Speaking of journeys~
Girly laughter, checking out local live music, talking, journal writing, inspiring local artists, checking out organic restaurants, and being in the company of this wonderful friend is what I am looking forward to this weekend in Asheville.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

ooh i get chills i am so ready to leave!!!
come now! the day is creeping by...

i think you have amazing dreams and i can see you doing all of the things that you want throughout your life. i think sitting in the moment and allowing yourself to be happy now will only bring more abundance to you...

love you lots.