Tuesday, June 5, 2007

(this photo makes me laugh so hard, I am in high school, Muzzie apparently loves stone-washed denim- I will have to post a picture of her with her updated wears- she has fabulous style)

Last night Muzzie was talking about this lady she once knew who liked to have a man in her life to take her to the theater or for dinner. After her husband died she would continue to have boy~friends who would take her around the town.

So Muzzie says~

"She lived in this lovely retirement home and met a man who was nearly a hundred years old. She met him by the trash cans and he asked her if she had ever been on a cruise. She said she had not, but sure, she would love to go."


"That's so funny...meeting by the trash cans."


"Well it was nice because she had never been abroad. (pause, lowers voice) But, really she had been a broad her whole life. No, but really she was a lovely lady."

Me~ "ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...."

Muzzie is 86 fabulous years with perfect delivery of stories, jokes, wit, charm, grace and creativity. She always makes me feel loved and reminds me of all my talents. Each time I leave her presence I am inspired to become more of myself.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

oh happy day!
i love your muzzy and i can see you coming into your own more every day.