Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Road trips are for girls

I love when you have the sort of weekend that lingers in your mind for days after. When in the middle of work, or watering the flowers a huge smile creeps along your face at the memory of such a wonderful, memorable and inspiring time.

This girl rocks my world! She is so, so fun to be around. I think because she is so accepting of people's hearts and a pure lover of life. Yeah, the kind of girl you want to take on a road trip, oh and be friends with forever.

Moments of belly~laughing, spray~paint, bubbles, muddling mojitos and meeting great new friends.

We met some amazing artists and they beautifully accepted us into their totally chill home filled with pottery, music, jewelry and funky designed clothes. The kind of place where you can talk about real, meaningful ideas and the next be spilling over in laughter.

I feel lucky meeting these people that allowed us not to only see the town, but how they create their lives. We got to see a friend's gallery in the midst of being built. Usually you get to experience the final exhibit. I felt totally inspired to see behind the scenes. I could imagine us doing the same. One really great girl sewed a shirt on the spot for Amanda and gave me a patch for my jeans. We looked through the pottery of another, and I just chilled as another designed jewelery as we talked.

I feel relaxed, inspired, laughed-out and wanting some more. I feel grateful of my old friendship and excited for the new ones and for feeling rich on joy.


kelly barton art + design said...

i have a pot of mint on the deck! now i just need to find a muddler and i am set for some summer mojitos!

Amanda said...

oooooh you describe the fun so beautifully.you have an amazing way with words.
i must get back to the treehouse soon.
i love you

kat said...

i like you cayden.
and i love the way you write
but mostly i like how i think of things you say later and they make me laugh all over again.
i wish i could have joined you two.