Friday, July 6, 2007

Water Babies

My horoscope today reads:

The energy of the day is quite erratic, and you are apt to find yourself jumping all over the place, dear Pisces. Don't worry about trying to firm up any plans at this time. You may feel like you are trying to grab hold of a slippery fish with butter on your hands. If this is the case, don't worry about it. Let the fish swim away for now and relax. You can always catch another one later on if you need to.

~Funny because my legs have been restless all day-weird. Maybe if I didn't have butter on my hands while grabbing after fish- it would help. I like reading my horoscope daily, but the butter comment is just weird but so funny too. I wish I was going to a party with water balloons and beer.
When my sisters and I were young we would fill balloons up with water and wrap two up inside blankets and play "water babies" as we called it. It really was the best game ever. Sometimes we'd be carrying them and they'd pop and we'd be drenched and we would just laugh, or cry. I assume because it was so spontaneous and shocking. So game over-we'd just move on to something else to play. I wish I could just roll with it like that more.
I do have to say I have eased up on myself quite a bit, which means more laughing spells (i laugh for long periods of time), less chores, more time taking care of plants- oh and watching C do somersaults. I tried to do one the other day and I almost broke my neck. C was not amused. I am hoping to channel this "erratic" day into a weekend of artful ideas. I would like to start posting my favorite thing from the weekend on Mondays. I sometimes find my weekend rushes by and I don't sit with the moments long enough to feel joyful in them. I want to write about that joy and love and life so in the future I will know and remember how fun life really is.
So~this is me~restless.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i will play w/ water balloons and you!
and then i'll chase you down the street while you run barefoot and i'll spray paint looooove on your back.
maybe you have restless leg syndrome like me. winners.
love you.
and this funny post.