Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Deepest Inner Truth

My mom gave me a candle surrounded by crystals and I wanted to find out the crystals I was so thoughtfully given. I found these words very powerful.

"The clear selenites, like all clear crystals -- quartz, calcite, fluorite, and danburite -- have the quality of activating the seventh (crown) chakra.
The seventh chakra is our direct connection to spirit. When it is balanced we understand our relationship with the universe. We feel our connection with other humans and other forms of life.
Clear selenite's particular contribution towards furthering this connection is its ability to allow us to consciously understand our own deepest inner truth, that part of ourselves which is not body, not emotions or thoughts, but pure spirit. In this sense, it helps us to be in touch with our purpose for being in physical existence."

I feel a soulful connection to crystals. I have never really used them for healing. I have often been in awe of them, holding them in my fingers, softly turning them in the air to catch sunlight, thinking they hold magic and mystery inside.

Although I have never truly learned the power in elements, I feel great strength when I focus on them, even if it is a means to feel centered. As if the motion of holding the crystal in my palm connects its simplicity to my mind allowing me to focus calmly and rest my thoughts and questions against the dense weight of the stone.

As I inspect closer I see that the crystal may be simple in form but the inside is more complex. Small shards and fragments uniquely displaced during formation. As the crystal gathers light, it's through the irregularities that the light is diffused so beautifully~similar to the spirit I believe. I ponder over its physical existence in comparison to the purpose of my own~ or in "consciously understanding my own deepest inner truth".

Inspirited to gather my many fragments and irregularities, be centered with them and diffuse my inner light with clarity, calm and awareness. To live a life seeking my own deepest inner truths so I may connect to all of life with an honest and open heart.

Pause for peace

Eye of the Storm

Like the stillness in a dewdrop
I feel this calm---
Not to be battered
In avalanche of bouncing boulder winds
Or brushed away and shattered,
The browse of blustering beasts.
Like reflections in a dewdrop
I float in calm--
The heart buoyed up in silence
Though the sun's gong ring,
The heart made safe in amber
From the crackling spears of days.
I sink into this moment
As a pebble slows--
Falling through boundless radiance,
Through a honeyed sea--
Falling, ever more slowly,
Down, and down,
Away from the muffled
Fading applause of the waves,
To a moment void of movement,
To the pause of peace.
There are no sorrows here--
No knives of anger--
Only the soft caresses of the light
And timeless hush;
Memories melt,
And a new self, healed, unwounded,
Gathers its crystal wholeness like the dew
Empty of all but peace.

~Elizabeth Anne Viau~

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Photo shoot with my family

(Photography by Ricki Chester)

Al Green was singing sweetly into my ear the other night while I was working out at the gym. I thought to myself ~ Al Green reminds me of my family~ and I smiled.

Yes Al Green reminds me of my family.

Colorful, deep loving soul music reminds me of my family. The hurt, the pain, the struggle, the love, the anger, the resilience..the ties that bind~over and over again.

The guy who covered Al Green's music at my parent's Christmas party one year, who smoked up on their driveway reminds me of them, giving us all a good head shake and laugh at the quirks of people. "It takes all kinds" my Dad always says. Being able to not take ourselves to seriously.

The ability to accept differences, while holding fast to our own beliefs. Altogether totally confusing and perfectly sensible. This almost always reminds me of my family.

Waking slightly to the soft sounds of Van Morrison in the tape deck on our night time trips to our land in North Georgia; giddy with anticipation for the next day mixed with hopes of more peaceful sleep~ to wish to always feel this way. Waking up in a tent, breathing in the cold/hot mix of fresh mountain air and wood burning fire, the bone chill of the air. The wood swing out over the steep hill and feeling shrill exhilaration with close-your-eyes-and-trust fear. Walks among sounds only of wind through the trees, rustling of animals and rush of water~I still hold deep trust for my father when in nature. The way my mother watched us like a mama bear over her cubs, the way my dad gave us freedom to explore. This is always constant in our family.

My dad's relentless quest to help turtles to the safe side of the road, often ending woefully bad~intentions completely innocent. The way my mom and sisters and brother find it fall-to-your- knees, barely. able. to. talk. laugh so hard at my Dad sometimes. He is often so serious in teaching a lesson only to find the lesson making an example of him. Like the time he told my brother not to throw food to the pigeons because of what would happen. Oh like what happened all over his head instead. You should see my mother laugh in times like these ~ so raw, so young, so her.

The beach reminds me of my family. Packed car to the ceiling, McDonald's coffee filtering into our sleepy senses on our way. Games my mother made for our car ride made with egg cartons and marbles. Conversations from the heart. Everybody talking, feeling nobody listening~being the middle child and all. Swimming in the ocean reminds me of my family and how we would swim to a sand bar, find a million sand dollars. Screaming from a starfish wrapping around my face, the one my sister placed on my head crying laughing, me just crying. Exploring and taking interest. This reminds me very much of my family.

Boys and friends and trouble and growing independent

Deep connection reminds me of my family.

Screaming~fighting, laughing~crying, joking~embarrassing, teasing~taunting, hugging~kissing, laying side by side, running side by side, watching from sidelines, cheering or defending. Inside jokes and private moments.

Trading juice cookies for Little Debbie's, carrot juice before trick-or-treating, ice cream sundaes from grandparents followed by croup, orange trees, best-friend dogs, experiencing loss, experiencing first loves, 90210, gifted programs and dyslexia, ballet, cross~country, plays, baseball, art shows, yelling, stomping, crying, walks to the gas station for candy, SNL with my sister and our parents laughing at us laughing. So many little and big moments that sculpt my family, and me a shape sculpted from them.

Especially when I look at each one...

Our faces for getting each other
Our faces in disagreement
Our faces of compassion
Our faces of hurt
Our faces of calm
Our faces of need

Our faces that simply resemble...

...and now my own little family, whose face resembles ours...small reminders.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finding My Groove Again

Silly pic of me after my dance class (bad lighting)

I took a hip hop/Latin dance class at the gym last week. I realized how much I miss that part of my life. Up until the time I graduated from high school I spent my evenings and weekends at the dance studio. I miss the warm up, finding concentration and balance. The music, the rhythm, the sweat, the pushing of my body to keep moving, keep working, feeling the vibration off the group. I miss falling into repetition of movements until the mind and body connect and the soul moves freely, in sync. I miss especially the peacefulness of cooling down, taking deep breaths, sometimes on the verge of tears, realizing the release of emotion from my mind and the way my body felt so alive. I think I will continue to take this class and maybe even find a dance workshop to participate in one weekend. I wish I had never stopped taking classes, I definitely loved the way this class made me feel afterwards~a deep connection I hope to maintain.

C's finding the beat

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Feeling calm

I feel I have begun to come into my own as a mother, even though I have really just entered into this beautiful, emotion-driven path. Two and half years ago I looked into the eyes of this little baby, so familiar, yet so mind-altering. I remember thinking ~that's him, that's who i have been waiting for, that is the sweet soul I am blessed to know? The experience is instant~instant love, instant responsibility, instant change. The change is all encompassing at first~a shift to daily life; interrupted sleep, baby colds, hormonal shifts, and just trying to figure out if I was doing it well enough~ feeling right in my gut, but borderline obsessive with over~questioning.

Then there is the change on deeper levels. Two years later and I am now beginning to understand the profound growth this change has brought into our life and how it slowly shifted my thought process to recognize the choices I make, the words I speak, even our surroundings, in order to manifest a peaceful, thriving home.
In a way I was so involved in the details of motherhood I found it hard to live in the moment of what his presence meant in our lives. Many times I would find myself staring at him thinking this life together is so clear and exuberating though some of it is a blur and why that is? Feeling how unfair I can't remember or document each precious moment. Feeling I wish I could have had a bird's eye view on myself and my husband, to watch how we treated each other during the beginning months, how we loved or hurt each other, our expressions of uncertainty, our tears of love and frustration- a view in which to play out the imaginings of family life and the reality ~ to look with admiration for trying both. A nostalgia for two people (at times it felt like kids) working hard to develop and nourish our family.

Then there is the blur of my life before him. So often it is said you will not remember what your life was like before children. For me, I think of all the time in the past two years I have spent with a little one to care for, a little boy trailing my footsteps and what is it I did with all that time before him. I do know I was taking care of myself, I was learning myself, I was letting go and touching on self-love, something I make a point to keep in the forefront of my mind as I think it is very important to teach my son.

I'll admit I got caught up in the "this is our life" mentality~I'll be this person when....

I don't think I lost myself totally, but in a way~in the beginning~ I had to, and indirectly he has taught me how to rejuvenate myself more fully.

I've learned a deepened sense of self. In some ways it forced me to focus on my beliefs, my morals, my desires, my yearnings~and to be confident in each, for him, although I always kept an open mind. I have always been the type to see both sides, often struggling for peace between the two.

For a time I had a fluxation of emotions between all the things I want to accomplish for myself and for our family. Would I ever be able to do both?
By gaining more confidence as a mother and watching my son grow into this sweet, funny, creative, hungry for knowledge little man~I realized how much I needed to be aware of those qualities in myself and nurture them so we can live as individuals in a family, whom love and encourage to no end.
Two years later, and beyond the unsureness of how we would manage, how we would create this family I feel this inner quietness. I feel more peaceful. Sure I still worry and self-doubt. But I understand myself better and how to change my way of thinking with more ease. I had this moment the other day where I thought I am not limited. I kinda felt like a kid with a house-and that i could do whatever I wanted. I could paint or cook if I wanted, or read, instead of trying to figure out how to be an adult - whatever I thought that meant. For a long time, I wasn't sure how to begin things, so I found myself making lists and cleaning. Now I find myself starting projects, redecorating, just small things here and there~soft music and candle light.
Even though I feel how time races, I steal moments until more and more I feel present.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Remembering the music~three concerts

Relishing in the end days of summer, I took to the music.

~Chastain park has a small amphitheater- a calm, peaceful venue. A picnic of goat cheese, soft butter bread for BLT's, apples and wine. The round shape of the amphitheater and tall trees create a moon of space to gaze upon in the lovely, partly-cloudy sky. We eat and chat with our neighbors who offer fresh figs- plump and juicy, soft flavor. We sway to the opening band while everyone eats and laughs- the tense of work peeling away. Relaxing, sipping wine with the soft air wrapping us up-the lights lay dimly in the clouds. Everyone looks up ever so often to catch a glimpse of the darkening lump in the sky. A finger raised here and there- worried for the approaching rain. A few mumbles about metal seats and lightening. The music begins and a roar of excitement rushes towards the stage. Dancing, swaying, drinking, quick-silver glances- keeping a watchful eye on the darkening sky. One drop..then two...people move quickly for cover- I hide under my picnic blanket. The lady next to me shares..J runs for ponchos...I am drenched. I let the rain fall upon my hair and down my legs-chilled by the rain and warmed by the heat in the air. I lift my head to the sky grinning at the kid in me..

~Standing in front of a bare stage, minimal crowd, but intimate as though stumbling upon an open session. Next to me is my dearest friend. The air is stale in this old venue-bittersweet-like high school. This cool chick on stage sings deep and passionate-lonesome at times, but piercing. Her sound strikes me somewhere deep and I want to travel around with her and see all her shows. She's witty and natural. Something beautiful and magical about swaying in the dark- one piano, one girl, one spotlight and one best friend. I felt adolescent again, but wiser. Smiling at chatty teenagers and stealing glances at the beauty beside me, who's been there through it all. She and I-soul friends-she's never far, for I keep her on my mind.

~My left arm is in the sun, hanging out the open window of the patio. I could graze my fingertips on the sidewalk flooded with concertgoers. There is no parking downtown today. We're walking to the concert- devoted to the saving of parks like the one thousands will gather in, to hear some music tonight. I am concentrated on a divine fried green tomato sandwich and local beer, and happy the ground is uneven and our table is at a slant lending character. I love walking on a blocked off street and off the confines of the sidewalk, thinking how structured life can become and how I need to go off the beaten path more. Dusk is beginning to settle and the lines are long and slow. I concentrate on the beach balls freely bouncing upon the fingertips of the sea of people in front of me. The stage is large and the light show is spectacular and flashy. Being so far from the stage I lose the concentration of the music and hear people talking and then an explosion of cheers brings me back. I love the connectedness of thousands of people in one place, enjoying themselves freely and for a good cause.

~Music is such an integral part of life. Whether singing, playing, dancing, listening, waking, crying, driving, or sleeping to music- we're always making it, creating it and encompassing it as the backbone of our life. Sometimes I forget how powerful music is and then I remind myself to listen more and I physically feel my body and soul relax.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Seeking your dreams~desires~life

(A poem a day inspired by this girl's writings I admire)

Ethereal whispers in my ear

And the wind, at times, can speak so clear

It tells me to look into this life of mine

And figure out what is real

I'm waiting for your touch

And I know it's your embrace that keeps me near

You are the essence of the love

Everyone is trying to hold onto

But I don't have to reach

For you are


gripping me

Right now, right here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Connecting two points

Laying on my parent's driveway over the weekend I feel connected. The warm heat rising from the constructed concrete ground, it feels strong and reliable. My eyes entranced in the dancing fingers of the trees, that play and flirt upon the wind. A canopy of protective arms embracing the sky, offering glints of sun and shade. I recall turning my head to stare at my little man and his twin cousin throwing pine cones at the bushes- whispering to one another in their own language full of wonder and inquisition. I follow their gaze up a tree to a taunting squirrel dropping pine cones above their heads. I turn my head back and close my eyes, feeling the earth spinning beneath me- picturing a vacuum pulling my thoughts, racing upwards to the sky, then to hover above me like a movie playing against the vast blue screen. A laugh, a breeze, brings me back-my eyelids fluttering against the soft light. I feel an awareness- a pull between me then, me now. I used to lay on this driveway all the time before boyfriends, before jobs, before a house and a marriage and before a child. I used to lay here when i was still a child- when it was just me and my dreams. Gosh, I would imagine so much- endless possibilities, like the endless sky. It felt good then, it feels good now. Neither better or comparable, two points in time- significant and whole.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fall on me

This morning I closed my eyes in the shower and imagined that it was dark and cool outside. Feeling the strong desire for scarves and jeans paired with heavy boots. Hot chocolate and homemade vegetable soup.

How often we do this~dreaming of fall when summer is still present?

Maybe the desire for this change signifies the end of a period of growth. In the midst of life many times we forget~well, that we are in the midst of it.What encompasses us is life~right now. In the midst of it we are growing, simply. It seems then anticipation, frustration, boredom, nostalgia often creep in. Reminders to not stay too complacent~to be present and take reflection into new boundaries.

Learning, changing, growing.

Ready to take the lesson and move forth~ expand, run, purge.

I feel over this summer I have been asking questions, taking it deep, sitting with the feelings, writing them down, listening intently to the music playing in and around me.




Making lists of goals, dreams and projects.

i feel i have let go of a lot with eyes wide open.

i feel i have learned to clarify my values, my beliefs.

i feel more aware

i feel stronger

i feel more alive

i feel more loved

Now i just want to experience. Have you ever felt tired of asking the questions, turned off a little by the constant buzz of your own thoughts.

Usually, when i anticipate summer I feel ready to take on a million things.

I feel a strange, but fresh, engaging feeling for this winter.

I still have some great summer things planned~a concert in this park with all proceeds going towards park conservancy, which in Atlanta is much needed.

I've been sitting.

I'm ready to run.

It feels good to sit with your thoughts.

Sometimes it feels good to do, with thoughts racing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ramblings to me

I'll drive away with you on a Sunday afternoon
when the leaves turn brown and crush~disintegrate, against my hand
Beneath my feet, I'll tread lightly on your emotions
while tempting you, instead, to dance with mine
I'll seek out the inner beauty of your beliefs
if you can come to forgive my lonesome grief
Take me away on a full-moon dream
where time cannot touch me and
wanderlust sparkles in the ground
Where music reigns as language
and dance is the movement~always fluid in our motion
We'll ride a wave on a butterfly ocean.
When we get there
When I plant my feet
and stretch my arms
When I take in a deep breath
I'll speak softly to myself and whisper~
When will you know me
When will all this count
Sure I've been trying to explain how imperfections
are simply reality
I know there are things to fix
and rules to follow through
I may even understand how my restlessness
may somber you
But I'm waking to new time
and listening to softer sounds
I'm finding peace through each moment
what were once endless days abound
My breath feels slower, deeper
and my sight finds memories to capture
I love with fierce passion
and hurt with fury, I know
I'm stronger than I was yesterday
and live in my hours knowing their mine
I'll keep trying to build strength
in my soul and love for this life
It's the lessons we learn and the paths that are chosen
that allow us to expand so we may leave a beauty mark on
this vast, breathing land
I find peace living for these moments.
So today I'll pull my dreams from my pillow and bring them to life.
I need your concern but I desire your understanding,
for my love, to the me once afraid
Whom I see growing in variable ways
It takes time for most
and that I'll give
As long as time I may have to say~
I once happily lived.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just one kiss

Today I walked over to you and leaned down to give you a hug as you played on the floor. I turned to stand up and you pulled my arm, lifted your sweet face and gave me a kiss-all on your own-the first one without asking or smothering you with my own kisses. I drew in my breath, smiled at you, thanked you for your sweetness, and you went back to playing. My thousands of kisses to you will always equal your one given to me, I hope you know this forever.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The rush after the break

The words have been stuck inside. Building in a crescendo, the beat hard against my heart.

So much going on- so many emotions, thoughts, plans- rushing and pulsing through my veins.

Ideas, words, images, colors - filling my mind for my art, for my home, for my husband, for C and for myself.

I feel it all so tense pressing and rising like water against a dam-on the verge, tiny trickles I see heeding warning for the poignant moment before the break.

I see myself clearer now and more in tune.

I am so much more aware of the person I am, not who I am trying to figure out.

I am good with the me when once I was not- the little details are my makeup and I love them more and more.

Letting go of the stigmas I have placed upon myself.

I find myself drawn in so many directions and now as I walk my individual path the journey resonates deeper with rich blessings and optimism I can feel- a slight energy that reverberates inside.

For some time I felt I had only been trying to find my fit.

Confidence is securing the love for myself now.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Headaches and Pizza

I have had the worst headaches this weekend - to the point all I can do is sleep. To look at the computer screen is painful- so I have not had much time here to write. I did find a funny photo and a great recipe to share.

I bought him a funny hat, found an apron in our condo at the beach and told him he must wear it to cook, and he is wearing a coolest dad t-shirt- it's cool he let's me play around with my humor.

If you have a grill- go right now and get all the ingredients to make this AMAZING pizza. I love pizza- and this is truly one of the best I have ever had. Of course, I love to grill- almost anything, so the idea of grilled pizza dough sent me dreamily to the store. By grilling, the dough forms a thin crispy layer over a soft, cheesy middle. I left the last bit of instructions off because mine was done enough by just cooking on the grill. I also made one big pie instead of four smaller ones and varied the vegetables from the ones listed:). The best part, though, was the basil/olive oil dipping sauce- a burst of fresh basil livens the flavors of the grilled meat and veggies. I also used chicken sausage instead of pork, both work wonderfully. Ingenuity meets pizza= me standing up eating this hot off the grill because it's so goood.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Be love

(A friend, Stack, makes these funky patches I love to attach to my clothes.)

1.) We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2.) Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3.) People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4.) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

~Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and they should read your blog.

~8 random things about me:

~I choreograph ballets in my head while listening to classical music on my way to work and jazz routines while listening to hip hop when i work out.

~I love jokes, especially clever ones.

~When I eat pita chips, I pick the chips one at a time that look most appealing to crunch on.

~I love to swim, maybe it's the Pisces in me.

~I am modest

~I love musicals and plays but when I see them at the theatre I feel I can barely keep my eyes open because i get so tired- so weird.

~I was a butterfly in the '96 opening ceremony of the Olympics.

~I'm fascinated by the stars

I am tagging Marlyn

Monday, July 9, 2007

Swing in Love

Swing with me my little man
and let our toes graze against the painted blue sky

We'll close our eyes and allow our heads to fall back
against wind's soft arms
Falling into rhythm- back and forth, back and forth

We are both holding on strong to the chains, like our love
The difference~ I am woefully aware of time and how fleeting it may be
And you, my sweet, right now, are in love with me

We connect, you and I
I am holding fiercely to this time
Where I am your morning delight
And you, angel, are forever mine.

(swinging with C- my favorite moment this weekend)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Water Babies

My horoscope today reads:

The energy of the day is quite erratic, and you are apt to find yourself jumping all over the place, dear Pisces. Don't worry about trying to firm up any plans at this time. You may feel like you are trying to grab hold of a slippery fish with butter on your hands. If this is the case, don't worry about it. Let the fish swim away for now and relax. You can always catch another one later on if you need to.

~Funny because my legs have been restless all day-weird. Maybe if I didn't have butter on my hands while grabbing after fish- it would help. I like reading my horoscope daily, but the butter comment is just weird but so funny too. I wish I was going to a party with water balloons and beer.
When my sisters and I were young we would fill balloons up with water and wrap two up inside blankets and play "water babies" as we called it. It really was the best game ever. Sometimes we'd be carrying them and they'd pop and we'd be drenched and we would just laugh, or cry. I assume because it was so spontaneous and shocking. So game over-we'd just move on to something else to play. I wish I could just roll with it like that more.
I do have to say I have eased up on myself quite a bit, which means more laughing spells (i laugh for long periods of time), less chores, more time taking care of plants- oh and watching C do somersaults. I tried to do one the other day and I almost broke my neck. C was not amused. I am hoping to channel this "erratic" day into a weekend of artful ideas. I would like to start posting my favorite thing from the weekend on Mondays. I sometimes find my weekend rushes by and I don't sit with the moments long enough to feel joyful in them. I want to write about that joy and love and life so in the future I will know and remember how fun life really is.
So~this is me~restless.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Road trips are for girls

I love when you have the sort of weekend that lingers in your mind for days after. When in the middle of work, or watering the flowers a huge smile creeps along your face at the memory of such a wonderful, memorable and inspiring time.

This girl rocks my world! She is so, so fun to be around. I think because she is so accepting of people's hearts and a pure lover of life. Yeah, the kind of girl you want to take on a road trip, oh and be friends with forever.

Moments of belly~laughing, spray~paint, bubbles, muddling mojitos and meeting great new friends.

We met some amazing artists and they beautifully accepted us into their totally chill home filled with pottery, music, jewelry and funky designed clothes. The kind of place where you can talk about real, meaningful ideas and the next be spilling over in laughter.

I feel lucky meeting these people that allowed us not to only see the town, but how they create their lives. We got to see a friend's gallery in the midst of being built. Usually you get to experience the final exhibit. I felt totally inspired to see behind the scenes. I could imagine us doing the same. One really great girl sewed a shirt on the spot for Amanda and gave me a patch for my jeans. We looked through the pottery of another, and I just chilled as another designed jewelery as we talked.

I feel relaxed, inspired, laughed-out and wanting some more. I feel grateful of my old friendship and excited for the new ones and for feeling rich on joy.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Enjoy the journey

If you don't know where you are going, you can never get lost
~Herb Cohen~

I found this quote and although simple it speaks volumes to me. I tend to worry about what I am doing career wise and that maybe I should have already accomplished more and taken more risks. From this worry I put myself on hold, afraid to budge from my safety net. I tell myself I should know what I want to do by now and I should be well on my way. I think to myself- I should be more, have more to give and experience deeper. I worry high hopes were set and I somehow failed certain expectations. Why worry? What good does it bring?

Well....What if I don't know where I am going?

Sure I have big ideas about how I would like to see my life unfold. Many times I can even imagine what it must feel like to feel more accomplished than I am now. I see myself opening a restaurant, researching developmental psychology, writing a book on learning disabilities, creating art, and raising a family. I often feel lost about how to make these dreams of mine happen. So, instead of trying to navigate each detail over where I think I should end up maybe I will allow my path to unfold as I walk it and not worry so much about where I am going, rather enjoying the journey there.

Speaking of journeys~
Girly laughter, checking out local live music, talking, journal writing, inspiring local artists, checking out organic restaurants, and being in the company of this wonderful friend is what I am looking forward to this weekend in Asheville.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I've been feeling sentimental lately and I can't really figure out why. I have noticed myself picking out my old music to listen to and giving my time over to silent reflection, but for what is not apparent to me yet. I feel my inner self working feverishly and holding the feelings of my words trapped inside.
A few months ago my husband and I went to a wedding where the bride and groom had met on a blind date set up by us. The bride to be worked with me and the groom with my husband. Shortly after they began dating they each quit as if the only reason they had been brought to these particular jobs was to meet one another. I just love this story.
The next weekend we went to another wedding and the priest was Irish. Before the end of the ceremony he said these words from an Irish blessing. For some reason these words have been filling me up and leaving me with nostalgia.
Irish Blessing~
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you
May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune, Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
From this day forward.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

(this photo makes me laugh so hard, I am in high school, Muzzie apparently loves stone-washed denim- I will have to post a picture of her with her updated wears- she has fabulous style)

Last night Muzzie was talking about this lady she once knew who liked to have a man in her life to take her to the theater or for dinner. After her husband died she would continue to have boy~friends who would take her around the town.

So Muzzie says~

"She lived in this lovely retirement home and met a man who was nearly a hundred years old. She met him by the trash cans and he asked her if she had ever been on a cruise. She said she had not, but sure, she would love to go."


"That's so funny...meeting by the trash cans."


"Well it was nice because she had never been abroad. (pause, lowers voice) But, really she had been a broad her whole life. No, but really she was a lovely lady."

Me~ "ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...."

Muzzie is 86 fabulous years with perfect delivery of stories, jokes, wit, charm, grace and creativity. She always makes me feel loved and reminds me of all my talents. Each time I leave her presence I am inspired to become more of myself.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lots of happy love for-

~Becoming an aunt, again, this weekend

~C dancing to Hip Hop beats and eating strawberries and cool whip with him

~Exercising, again

~feeling deeper, rooted with myself

~feeling lighter, freer with myself

~a upcoming girl's road trip to Asheville~ how could we have not taken one together yet?

~Grilling out all week

~planting a butterfly bush

(oh and buying three other plants that cannot be planted in the ground due to frost in the winter-perfect! Maybe I should do a little research instead of buying by the look of things.)

I think this summer is going to be a lot of fun!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Patient Words

I have been asking why I have been holding myself back. Answers come in many forms- a prayer, a song, a voice, a scene or in an afterthought. Sometimes though they are spelled out in plain, typed text- there all along waiting patiently to resonate.
I started The Artist's Way and a few months ago put it on my bedside shelf allowing the pages to collect dust. I opened it again a few days ago and the page I left on was part of the answer to the very question I have been stumbling over as of late. Amazing how the universe works sometimes- all the time.

"Answered prayers are scary.
They imply responsibility.
You asked for it.
Now that you got it, what are you going to do with it?"

"Answered prayers deliver us back to our own hand."

~the Artist's Way~

I think I may have not been ready to answer this question a while ago, and now I feel more confident and ready.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Putting off

I've created a space for my creative endeavors. I now realize it doesn't take much, just a place you feel calm and lovingly surrounded by your stuff. My Muzzie, an artist, has made her home a working art. She paints murals on the walls, on the toilets and pretty much anything her paint brush in hand feels needs a little color. One of the first times my husband went to her house, to cut down some overgrown brush, and went inside to get some water, Muzzie led him to the kitchen, paintbrush in hand, and stopped at a painting and declared, "I didn't want it to be that color", and without a second thought painted right over it. My husband later said he was just in awe of her creativity. Her artistry exudes.

Lately, I haven't done much in the way of creativity. My weekends have been filled with weddings, baby showers, family in from Australia - a whirlwind of fun. This past week I have been a heap of tiredness and I am thankful to have this weekend plan-free. During the past few weeks when I have thought of my studio and the ideas I have I got an excited-nervousness and a longing to have some down time. I have to learn some balancing skills. I keep my creative self at bay with thoughts that once I do this...then I'll have time. I keep asking- what am I waiting for, why am I putting this off? I work on stuff every so often and feel challenged, excited, happy- clear-minded. Why do I put off what intrigues me?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cooking with thoughts

(blue corn shells with black beans and onions, before the addition of more cheese and sour cream-yum)
I find when I have a lot on my mind I tend to cook. It is not a conscious idea always, but I somehow find myself at home, after work and C asleep, with recipes sprawled about and spices, sauces, vegetables, knives, bread, plates, pots and pans placed upon the counter. I pour a glass of red, turn on the soft lights in my kitchen and fall into rhythm. The repetition of chopping is soothing and helps me to slow my booming thoughts to a quiet hum to where I can then begin to concentrate.

Once I get to the root of my thoughts, I can gently cut away the stubborn skins of worry and break them into pieces allowing the fragrant feelings to surface. As I measure and weigh the ingredients, I do the same to choices I am considering. I try out spices, adding and tasting, wishing I felt as confident and free to experiment in other areas of myself as I do with cooking. I don't always make the best tasting mixtures, but at least I try. I got over this fear at home by learning that my husband won't think I am a bad cook if I screw up dinner because maybe tomorrow I will make something he raves over. Some of this culinary confidence comes easily because he's my husband, and not everyone else .

I am learning to apply this way of thinking to other things I wish to pursue. I have to just try things out, like I have done with cooking. I have to remember my ability to cook by taste did not happen over night, I am still learning, and will continue for the rest of my life. To realize there are a plenitude of tastes, but that maybe a few will really enjoy what I have created.

I have to take what I know I enjoy, grind the fear in the disposal, and start from scratch. Even if the dish is a disaster, it shouldn't keep me from trying again.

~good lesson in not taking things personally~
I made a grilled pork chop and fresh turnip greens for C. Pork chop on the floor, gagging noises as the greens are spit from his mouth. I am in shock because he is a lover of all foods. After all my failed efforts to coax him to eat the turnips, I take a large, sharp butcher knife and with one swift CHOP, cut the cantaloupe in half. I then cut the sweet fruit away from the rind in neat little squares and give a few to C. As he shoves them into his mouth, barely giving himself room to swallow, he raises one arm and says "I unt suh moooow", until half of the melon is gone. Fruit dinner-nice. I suppose I'll save the the three course meals for the adults *smile*. C does love fruit though. This makes me think about when I was pregnant with him and how I ate fruit everyday, especially oranges. I couldn't' get enough of the sweetness. I like to think maybe this began his love for the sweet nectar of fruit.

I have also been thinking a lot lately about growing, buying, and cooking fresher, and more organic. My parents raised us on organic food (my sister used to trade her juice cookies for Twinkies-how funny is that-but the kids loved our natural foods). I realize that C is just as happy with fruit as he is with cookies. I try to cook from fresh ingredients and stay conscious of the ingredients in packaged foods. I have also always had allergies and now C does too. I have to say I have learned a lot from other bloggers' experiences about the effects of the foods they consume that may interfere with our bodies. It is truly fascinating and I have been thinking so much more about eating foods that energize and restore my body rather than harm. It's not just about eating because it's part of my day. It's eating to keep my body strong and healthy. Even some changes I have already made are making a difference. Now if only I could keep plants alive..maybe then I could have an organic garden. Sad but true, I have no green thumb. Yet!

Monday, May 14, 2007

{The Venetian's painted ceiling-amazing}

I imagined a curvy lady dressed in red, laying on a piano crooning into the microphone about love, her lips sparkling in the smoky light. A few mobsters dressed in suits puffing cigars, sipping scotch from highballs, the ice clanking as fat hands swirled the cool liquor around in the glass. Nearby would be a few poker tables, a mahogany wood roulette wheel, chips stacked, crowds gathering- cheering as luck landed at their sides. Bright lights, swinging music and flashy clothes adorning the casino halls.

Vegas- not what I imagined, although it was still a lot of fun. Instead you enter a gigantic room filled row after row with slot machines lit up like a runway signaling people to land for the night. The pungent smell of stale smoke mixed with air freshener, pumped through air vents in an attempt to mask nights of spilt drinks and hours past, unbeknownst . A myriad of people come to this wild place and for so many reasons-bachelor parties, expositions, vacations, divorce. You name it there is someone there with a story why this is the spot to be.

Still, it was a site to see all the excited commotion of cards shuffling, ringing slot machines, high pitch chattering and squealing-ceaseless this city is, and all just stuck in the desert as if a mirage of lights, liquor and money. A nice older gentleman gave me a twenty and said "have fun kid" after seeing me lose my own twenty to a greedy machine. That was super fun.

The food was delicious. While there I ate blackened ahi with steamed baby cabbage, stemmed baby carrots, marinated aged steak, red wine, and I also drank my first whole cup of coffee:) I wish we had time to see a show though...maybe next time.

We had a great show at the expo. Every one was excited and thrilled over our product. We will be very busy soon. It was great. I am so happy all the hard work and determination, especially for my parents, is coming to fruition. I really felt it at this particular show and am very proud to be a part of this company.

After we arrived back home, C ran straight past his dad and into my arms. He took his wee hands and squeezed my cheeks, his face inches from mine and just stared at me, like he thought he couldn't believe I was there- I think he knows what missing feels like now. I wouldn't trade all the money in Vegas for that very moment.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Vegas...I'm a little scared of you

What stays in Vegas...I hope not...or else I will look like this picture when I get home. Going to Las Vegas for a business convention. I work for the family business so my parents will be there. I have never been so it should be fun. J is also going with me, so we brought a little stash and he's convinced he'll win big, as we all secretly do. I just know this place is going to make me dizzy-the lights, the noise, the DRINKS. Fun!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Just the two of us

J and I often babysit my nephew because my sister is a Sous chef and works A LOT. This past Sunday she wanted to return the favor, and this time we took her up on it. J suggested we drive down to the stadium, buy dollar tickets and enjoy a ballgame, just the two of us. We learned from taking C to other sporting events, that he would rather walk around the stadium at this age than actually sit in it. Minutes are still hours to him.

C happily obliged to spend the afternoon with his cousin anyway.

We started with a Sunday drive through the city, conversation light and flirty, resting my mind while watching cars maneuver steadily like the moving water of a creek: bends and straights.
When we got to the stadium we bought icy cold beers, a brat, an Italian sausage, and seats with a clear view to home plate-we felt good. The sky a sphere of piercing blue, tufts of white clouds dolloped like whip cream on blueberries, a bold contrast against the expanse of diamond cut grass. The temperature was hot, but when sitting above the trees I got a bird's eye view and understood why they soar on soft wind-it felt free and calm. I really need a trip to the mountains to camp and hike. Lately days have been colliding into one another until I feel dried of creativity and the alarm clock becomes a drone of tired reminders to rise and get through the day.

After the game on Sunday, J and I kept saying how much fun we had. We laughed the whole time, the game a side conversation to what we were there for- a block of time for rejuvenation, for laughter, for filling up on love and for not taking ourselves so seriously. I have to sometimes unwind my inner clock that ticks toward the strike of worry.

It was nice to not engulf my thoughts in anything but in the moment. J and I realize we need to take more of these moments, even in just the day to day. To just be happy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I saw this meme from this lovely and decided to do it myself.

Are your parents married or divorced? Married for 32 years

Do you believe in heaven? yes

Have you ever come close to dying? no

What jewellery do you wear 24/7 ? wedding rings with my Great grandfather's wedding band worn between my own.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes, but i cut my husband's off for him- he's a floret kind of guy

Do you wear makeup?yes, i love eye shadow

Would you ever have plastic surgery? yes, breast reduction

What do you wear to bed? hubs t-shirts and shorts- not so sexy, but so comfortable

Have you ever done anything illegal? I'm sure :)

Can you roll your tongue?yes

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? happily married

Do you believe in abortions?this is hard- rape, neglect, drugs- yes maybe. Should it be our decision even if those things are involved- I don't know - having a child, it's just too hard for me to answer because I would not now.

What is your hair colour?dark brown, reddish in the summer

Future child's name, boy and girl? Korlyn, for a girl...not sure for a second boy yet.

Do you smoke? no

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Italy, Caribbean islands-any, South Africa, Brazil, California and Colorado.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no

If you won the lottery, what would you do first?Pay everything off and give away a lot to family and friends.

Hamburger or hot dog? I love veggie burgers, but also like cheeseburgers on the grill, and a hot Italian sausage with all the fixings, ever so often.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Bread, cheese (i know it asks for one, but i gotta have cheese with my bread:)

City, beach or country? Live in the country, vacation at the beach.

What was the last thing you touched? my face, I do that when thinking

When’s the last time you cried? couple of days ago

What colour are your pants? blue denim, jeans

Ever been involved with the police? yes, but with just a warning...shhhh

What’s your favourite shampoo/conditioner and soap? I just found the brand Sammy, but I usually switch every time I buy shampoo, however this shampoo lures me to smell my hair throughout the day , so I may stick with it.

Do you talk in your sleep? no

Ocean or pool? Ocean, i would love to live nearby

What’s your favourite song at the moment? Rachael Yamagata's Would You Please, The Killers' -Mr. Brightside, and Joss Stone's new cd

Have you ever had a cavity? yes

Window seat or aisle seats? Window

Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?. Successful in some areas, just beginning in others

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl and cut

Are you self-conscious? yes

Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no

Last gift you received? perfume from my husband

What occasion did you receive your gift? None really, he buys gifts for me and C when he's on business out of town.

Last thing you spent lots of money on? air conditioning- grrr

Where do you live? metro Atlanta, Georgia

Last wedding attended ? Friends my husband used to work with.

Favourite restaurant? I don't have just one, anything Mediterranean and a nice wine list.

What is your favourite kind of car? Mercedes

What’s your least favourite chore(s)? ironing

Favourite drink? hmmm, water w/lemon, orange juice, root beer and wine. hahaha-this list just got progressively worse. hahaha

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

One step at a time

The steps to actualizing may seem big, but with determination and self-love there is growth and dreams come true.
We are realizing how much we want this dream. Our souls thrive on creative living. We understand it's a must, not just a want. We are taking small steps, or have been for awhile to begin our creative endeavors/business. I feel we are coming into it, maybe slowly, but it's on the brim, spilling over in small amounts-a vision too big to contain. We talk of it everyday and I feel the energy of what it will become flowing through me-flutters of excitement that it can be real, and reminding myself why not.

Monday, April 30, 2007

~Maybe it's his scratchy voice
~Maybe it's his gorgeous, curly hair
~Maybe it's his constant conversing and mimicking, his outgoingness
~Maybe it's his companionship and love for my son
~Maybe it's how he cries when we leave
~Maybe it's that he is an extension of my sister, my love
~Maybe it's that I feel nothing but love for this little man, and that I will feel nothing else but that.

~A million reasons and knowing it's how important he is in my life and I can't imagine it without him

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend flow

~Weeding the flower beds, feeling the resistance of hardened roots against my hand, earth lingering in winter cold.

~Feet locked, eyes resting, C laying between, noses turned to snuggle, funny and sweet cartoon I hum the theme to as sunlight breaks in a flourish of golds and pinks.

~Cleaning out closets and looking at old magazines I had saved from when I was in high school- laughing at the similarity of content to fashion magazines today.

~Eating watermelon in the evening light just before night falls in shades to black. Loving the way C eats his without a second thought to the juice running down his shirt...the way watermelon should be eaten in my opinion.

~Cooking together- grilled chicken, wilted spinach and roasted artichoke- and laughing in between stirring dressing, checking temperatures and babbling with C.
~Sidewalk chalk drawings smudged against the driveway

~Feeling cognisant of each moment-laundry, cooking, playing Whiffle ball, cleaning out closets- aware this is me in my life, and that I am grateful.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hindsight in Fast Forward

A DJ this morning said, "you can change any situation in hindsight" and I had to nod in agreement. If it happened over again I would....
I have been thinking a lot in hindsight lately, not how I would have changed any one situation, but of the things I pictured for myself that didn't happen right away, and are now beginning to. I wanted those things to happen then, so badly, and for a long time I resented and criticized myself for not bringing them to fruition already.
I am now becoming comfortable with my journey and the breadth of my accomplishments, not always at this moment, but in this order for good reason. As long as I hold them constant in the pursuit of me, I will make them happen. Why I always think everything has to happen right now, or I should have done them already, is maybe a developed fear of seeing and hearing regret.
For a long time instead of taking this lesson and running full force, I doubted and put myself in a standstill. I realize I may not be the person to accomplish a lot in a short span of time, but I am trying to learn to take small amounts of time and make them count, as spoken so well in the words of this cool, insightful, creative woman.
I visited a college before I graduated high school and fell absolutely in love with the campus and the city. I wanted so badly to go, but college in state was affordable, actually free. In hindsight, I met my husband by staying in state, and now we both have an overwhelming desire to move. We are so exhausted by the traffic, and want to breath fresh air and raise C in a better learning environment- we both want to move. I have been ready to pursue higher education as well. I have always had a strong interest for developmental psychology.
Ten years ago I wanted to go to school here. Now I am a wife and mother and ready to move to the very place I dreamt of going to school. I just didn't have the patient understanding, or foresight, maybe, to know it didn't have to happen then, but in faith and pursuit it would happen-is happening.
Even if it is not this particular city, I am sure we will find a place we both love. I am becoming more aware of the importance to create the surroundings that inspire and bring good energy to me. Of course this all begins within, but I also believe surroundings effect us even if not completely aware of how. I am learning to not close the door on the dreams/interests I really want. The ones where hours race by without notice, pulling me deeper in thought and inner discovery. The ones I don't have to force or question. The ones that arouse all my senses at once leaving everything feeling richer and more purposeful. When I was younger I wanted to pursue everything, and now I understand the ones I wanted the most never faded away. They have been flitting around in my mind, like the delicate butterfly, they come briefly every so often as colorful reminders that although time may be burning, it is also full of rebirth and growth and opportunity.